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How to find long running jobs
The following script helps to find the current long running Active jobs in Oracle Database. In this script , we use views such as
In case , to find including Inactive then change or remove "and b.status='ACTIVE' to and b.status in ('ACTIVE','INACTIVE')
prompt long running job prompt '----------------------------' col INSTANCE_NAME format a10 col username format a15 col module format a30 col machine format a15 col sql_address format a20 col last_call format a10 set linesize 230; select b.sql_id, a.instance_name,b.username,b.sid,b.serial#,c.spid,b.process os_process_id, b.machine, b.module, --b.event, --b.sql_address, floor(b.last_call_et/3600) ||':'|| floor(mod(b.last_call_et,3600)/60) ||':'|| mod(b.last_call_et,60) Last_Call from gv$instance a, gv$session b, gv$process c where a.instance_number = b.inst_id and b.status='ACTIVE' and b.last_call_et > 10 and b.username is not null and b.machine is not null and b.program not like 'rman%' and b.program not like '%(P%' and b.type != 'BACKGROUND' and b.sql_address != '00' and b.paddr = c.addr and b.inst_id = c.inst_id order by last_call_et desc /