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How to fix ORA-01624: log 7 needed for crash recovery of instance prod

How to fix ORA-01624: log 7 needed for crash recovery of instance prod

This error message we receive when we try to drop the existing redo log group if its in Active Status.

Commonly when we try to increase the size of the log group members by adding new and dropping the existing groups to manage with same size we perform this task to drop the groups of less size.

Recommended : When we try to drop the existing groups ,the status must be in inactive , where we can find from v$log view.

sql>select group#,members,status,bytes/1024/1024 from v$log;

Note: INACTIVE status - does mean , not needed for crash recovery.

ACTIVE Status - does mean - needed for recovery.

When tried to drop the ACTIVE status group,then we receive ORA-01624 error in the alert log and command line too.

Solution: Do a log switch manually and find the status to get into INACTIVE then drop it.

Manual Switch

sql>alter system switch logfile;

sql>select group#,members,bytes/1024/1024,status from v$log;

Dropping group which is INACTIVE.

sql>alter database drop logfile group 7;