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Oracle Interview Question :
As we know from 11g , Oracle introduced Automatic memory Management also called AMM by using two parameters
So Oracle Server will distribute across SGA and PGA with in the size of memory_target If AMM is enabled.
To Enable AMM, Set the memory_target > 0 with in the size of memory_max_target or equal to.
In this case, If AMM enabled, the SGA_TARGET,PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET can set to 0 to distribute the amount of memory required by SGA and PGA with in the size of memory_target.
We can find the current values assigned for SGA and PGA also for memory_target by using
sql>show parameter memory_target sql>show parameter memory_max_target sql>show parameter pga_aggregate_target sql>show parameter sga_target
Now as we found the value to be 0 for PGA as AMM enabled . We can reserve with in the size of memory_target.
Answer: Yes, We can reserve the amount of memory for PGA/SGA with in the size of memory_target.
Using command,
sql>alter system set pga_aggregate_tartet=200m scope=both;
Note: But if required more than 200m,oracle can distribute to pga with in the size of memory_target when needed by PGA.
About PGA : PGA more used for sorting. Sorting is usually performed in a memory area called the PGA (configured via the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter). If memory is insufficient to accommodate sorting, then the sort over flows to disk within the temporary tablespace.