in OEM by ACE (20,920 points)

1 Answer

by ACE (20,920 points)
  1. Make sure that the Oracle CD is in the CD Drive and run the following

  2. At the Welcome screen click Next
  3. Accept the default Operating System group Name, click Next
  4. You now need to run a script called orainstRoot.sh as user root in another terminal session.

    # cd $ORACLE_BASED/oraInventory
    # ./orainstRoot.sh
  5. Now click continue back in the Installer window
  6. Now choose the directory for the OEM files and click Next
  7. If using a new server select the option that creates a new Oracle database, click Next
  8. It will now perform prerequisite check, click Next
  9. Choose a password for SYSMAN and click Next
  10. Select password for SYS, SYSTEM AND DBSMNP, click next
  11. You can alter the Metalink and Proxy information if so desired, click Next
  12. Choose the SID and the Global database name for the database, click next
  13. Specify the location for all the database files, click Next
  14. Review the components and then click Next
  15. You will now watch while Grid Control is installed, you will be asked to run root.sh as user root
  16. A window will be displayed showing the various configuratrion assistants, click OK
  17. yet again run the orainstRoot.sh script as user root, then click Next
  18. This screen is important as it details all port numbers and links to the web page (make note)
  19. Click Exit to end the installation

