in 12C Cloud by ACE (20,920 points)

1 Answer

by ACE (20,920 points)

Installing Oracle XML DB Manually Without DBCA

After the database installation, you must run the following SQL scripts in rdbms/admin connecting to SYS to install Oracle XML DB after creating a new tablespace for Oracle XML DB Repository. Here is the syntax for this:

catqm.sql <XDB_password> <XDB_TS_NAME> <TEMP_TS_NAME>
#Create the tables and views needed to run Oracle XML DB

For example:

catqm.sql change_on_install XDB TEMP

Reconnect to SYS again and run the following:

catxdbj.sql          #Load xdb java library


After the manual installation, carry out these tasks:

    Add the following dispatcher entry to the init.ora file:

    dispatchers="(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=<sid>XDB)"

    Restart the database and listener to enable Oracle XML DB protocol access.


